
Course Information

Math:ElemTchrs-AlgbraGeomtryPrbStat (MAT 210)

Term: 2012-2013 Academic Year Spring


Georgette Macrina
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Tue-Thu, 9:05 AM - 10:30 AM (1/16/2013 - 5/12/2013) Location: MAIN KELLE K021


(formerly Mathematics for Elementary Teachers from an Advanced Standpoint - Algebra and Geometry)
This course may be taken prior to MAT 209. It will be an in-depth investigation into the knowledge and understandings of mathematics necessary for teachers at the elementary level. The New York State Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics will act as a guide for the mathematics taught, the focus being algebra, geometry and probability and statistics. This course is highly recommended for all elementary education students. Prerequisites: Three years of high school mathematics, including Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra 2; passing of the Algebra I Regents Examination; or equivalent. (For Education students only.)