
Course Information

DoctoralStatistical Analysis/Comput (MAT 550D)

Term: 2016-2017 Academic Year Summer


Lawrence DiFiore
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Mon-Wed, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (5/24/2016 - 7/11/2016) Location: MAIN WILBR W205A


For doctoral-level students only, this course will provide the foundation for statistical research by developing the technical and interpretive skills necessary. This course offers: Statistical models; data analysis; estimation; tests of hypotheses; analysis of variance; covariance and multiple comparisons; regression and non-parametric methods. Computer use will be integral in this course. This is a prerequisite master's-level statistics course for NUR 606. (Course requires additional independent time in computer lab.) Prerequisite: Evidence of an undergraduate statistics course within the past 5 years or its equivalent CEU. Pass/Fail.